The Art Of Wintering: Strategies To Rest And Retreat | Biophilic Interior Design | Lars Gesing Fine Art
January 27, 2023

Patrick Shannon on his work for the National Forest Foundation | Lars Gesing Fine Art
November 29, 2022

Why is coral reef important? This Kauai mermaid will tell you | Biophilic Interior Design | Lars Gesing Fine Art
November 18, 2022
Robin Mazor is a self-proclaimed mermaid, a mermaid who moonlights as the director of the Kauai-based nonprofit organization Reef Guardians — an organization I am donating a portion of my artwork sales to. So the other day, I called Robin to have her tell her story — and to tell me more about who are the Reef Guardians and how they work to protect the reefs on Kauai and beyond.

The Aloha Spirit: The secret meaning of the Hawaiian way of life | Hawaiian Art Print | Lars Gesing Fine Art
November 10, 2022 1 Comment

“Do you edit your photos?" | Fine Art Photography | Lars Gesing Fine Art
October 07, 2022

The lessons the wild Western lands teach us | Biophilic Interior Design | Lars Gesing Fine Art
September 28, 2022

How to be grounded: This is what nature teaches busy people like you | Biophilic Interior Design | Lars Gesing Fine Art
September 17, 2022

Is Photography Art? How I Decide What To Photograph | Biophilic Interior Design | Lars Gesing Fine Art
September 17, 2022

What Makes A Place Feel Like Home? I Found The Answer Outside. | Mountain Home Art | Lars Gesing Fine Art
July 12, 2022 1 Comment
“Nature is not a place we visit. It is home,” the great Gary Snyder wrote. This is the story of how I found that elusive Sense of Home in the timeless lands of the West. To do so, I had to search for answers to maybe THE central question to our happiness: What makes us feel at home?

Six Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Art | Biophilic Interior Design | Lars Gesing Fine Art
July 28, 2021

Color Psychology In Interior Design: How To Create A Happy Home Biophilic Interior Design | Lars Gesing Fine Art
July 28, 2021